EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc.
In Title VII disparate treatment case, Muslim job applicant who wore headscarf for religious reasons did not need to show that prospective employer had actual knowledge of her need for a religious accommodation, but only needed to show that her need for an accommodation was a motivating factor in the adverse decision.
575 U.S. 768 (Preliminary Print) (135 S. Ct. 2028)
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Religious Tradition Involved
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Uphold / Overturn Penultimate Court
Penultimate court of appeals
Penultimate court opinion citation
E.E.O.C. v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc., 731 F.3d 1106 (10th Cir. 2013), rev'd and remanded, 575 U.S. 768 (2015)