American Legion v. American Humanist Association
Forty-foot tall cross that was part of a memorial honoring veterans did not violate the Establishment Clause when applying a presumption of constitutionality to historical religious monuments.
588 U.S. __ (139 S.Ct. 2067)
Library of Congress Link
Religious Tradition Involved
State/Territory of Origin
Clause (Free Exercise / Establishment / Both / Other)
Does it involve religious institution(s) or individual(s)
Local / State / Federal Legislation
Uphold / Overturn Penultimate Court
Penultimate court of appeals
Penultimate court opinion citation
Am. Humanist Assn. v. Maryland-Natl. Capital Park and Plan. Commn., 874 F.3d 195 (4th Cir. 2017), rev'd and remanded sub nom. Am. Legion v. Am. Humanist Assn., 139 S. Ct. 2067 (2019)